PermaRock SiliconeUltra Façade Coating is an advanced self-cleansing façade paint with nano-quartz matrix technology, high resistance to UV and exceptional performance even in harsh weather conditions.
PermaRock SiliconeUltra Façade Coating dries with a capillary active dry zone which is both water repellent and breathable. Special photocatalytic pigments provide exceptional pollution resistance and the combination of a Class A binder and Group 1 pigments gives superior UV-stability and colour fastness.
Developed as a breathable, water-repellent coating, SiliconeUltra Façade Coating can be employed as a maintenance coating over external wall insulation and render systems as well as on brick, concrete and blockwork (masonry) walls. PermaRock SiliconeUltra Façade Coating is particularly suited to provide additional protection against mould and algae growth on masonry or render surfaces and has a flat, matt finish.
It is available in a range of over 500 A1 colour fast shades from the PermaRock colour chart.
Method of Application
Apply with a paintbrush or roller. The material can be diluted with water or Tiefgrund LF (max 5%) prior to application by brush or roller.
Application / Drying Conditions
PermaRock SiliconeUltra Façade Coating is suitable for application temperatures of + 5 ºC for material, substrate and ambient air.
Drying - at + 20 ºC and 65% relative humidity the surface will be dry after 2 - 3 hours and re-coatable after 12 hours.
PermaRock Deep Primer LF comes in 10 ltr buckets.
PermaRock SiliconeUltra Façade Coating comes in pre-tinted 12.5 ltr buckets.