Low-Carbon Retrofits / Non-Domestic Buildings

PermaRock external wall insulation is increasingly being used to improve the energy performance and aesthetics of public and commercial buildings and provides an opportunity to add high levels of insulation to the exterior façade of existing buildings.

Low-Carbon Retrofits

Energy saving is one of the easiest ways to reduce carbon emissions and using PermaRock external wall insulation provides an opportunity to add high levels of insulation to the exterior façade of existing buildings, assisting with the energy efficient running of properties.

PermaRock external wall insulation systems can readily achieve stringent U-value targets set by, for example, EnerPhit (Passivhaus) standards and can also be integrated into the design of a building making a meaningful contribution to attaining a high SAP rating.

Working closely with specifiers, we can advise from the design stage through to installation on how the external wall insulation element of a project can meet low carbon design requirements. Through the use of a PermaRock external wall insulation system, heating demand can be dramatically reduced, conserving energy and reducing CO2 emissions. Systems can create ‘thermal bridge-free’ junctions between walls, floors, roofs and produce very airtight building envelopes, important factors in the design of highly energy-efficient buildings.

Although the external walls are an extremely important contributing factor, a number of other important considerations can have an impact during the design process of low carbon buildings including building orientation, window and door type and placement, overhang depth, the efficiency of heating, cooling, lighting and other equipment, occupant behaviour, not to mention the local climate. However, external wall insulation can still be a key contributor towards achieving a low or zero-carbon building.

The following table provides an indication of the insulation thickness required to achieve a range of U-values for 229 mm solid brick construction:


Indicative U-value Requirements

(229mm Brick Solid Brick Construction)

Insulation Thickness (mm) Required

U-value (W/m²K) Mineral Fibre EWI
EPS-Premium EWI
EPS EWI System Phenolic EWI
PIR EWI System
0.30 100 90 110 60 70
0.28 110 100 110 60 80
0.25 120 110 130 70 90
0.20 160 140 170 90 110
0.15 210 190 230 120 -


U-value and condensation risk analyses for any specific wall construction can be compiled – please contact our technical department for further information. 

Non-Domestic Buildings

PermaRock external wall insulation is increasingly being used to improve the energy performance and aesthetics of public and commercial buildings. Public bodies and commercial organisations have also seen considerable increases in the costs to heat their buildings with many on a cost, energy-saving or regulatory level looking to make their properties more sustainable and energy-efficient.

External wall insulation has been utilised to solve these issues across many public and private sectors, including schools, hospitals, libraries, offices, shops and industrial units to assist these organisations in reducing fuel costs, extending their properties useful lives whilst improving the appearance of their buildings. 

Non-domestic buildings typically have different planning, technical and detailing requirements, PermaRock can advise and assist at the earliest stages of a project to ensure the most suitable solution is employed.

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