U-Value Calculations

In order to demonstrate that wall constructions comply with the requirements of the Building Regulations for the conservation of Fuel and Power, namely Approved Documents L1 (dwellings) and L2 (other buildings) for England & Wales, and Technical Standards (Section 6) for Scotland, PermaRock is able to provide U-values calculated in accordance with BS EN ISO 6946: 2007 using standard data and takes into account thermal bridging effects for insulation fixings at a typical installation rate.

PermaRock also provides, alongside each U-value calculation, an assessment of condensation risk. Internal and external environmental conditions can be adjusted to meet specific building use criteria in order that accurate assessments of condensation risk can be provided, therefore tailoring the system accordingly.

U-value Calculation Request Form

U-value calculations can be requested through our online form below (commercial enquiries only).

Please ensure as much detail is provided as possible, taking note of the guidance for the wall build up, should there be additional information or clarifications required then a PermaRock representative will contact you to discuss your requirements in more detail.

Please allow up to 5 working days for U-value Calculation requests to be received.

We do advise if you are unsure of the wall construction or wish to discuss this then please contact PermaRock's Technical Department - T: 01509 262924 or email technical@permarock.com

Wall Construction Details:

(Please supply at least one)

Wall Build-Up - Internal to External

Masonry: Blockwork Type (Manufacturer Preferred), Thickness, Density, Thin or Thick Joint System?
Timber Frame: Stud Sizes (Depth, Width, Spacing)?, Type of Insulation and thickness of insulation between studs (if present)?
Light Steel Frame: Stud Sizes (Width, Gauge, Spacing)? Type of Insulation and thickness of insulation between studs (if present)?
SIPS: Manufacturers Reference + Thickness
Any Construction: Vapour Control Layer? Breather Membrane? No of Layers of Plasterboard & Type, or other Internal Lining?

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PermaRock will only use your data for the purpose relevant to your enquiry and will always hold your data securely. We will not pass on any personal data to any third party without your prior consent.

If you have consented to be added to any mailing list, you will be able to easily opt-out at any time using the link provided on all emails we send or by emailing permarock@permarock.com.

Please see our ‘Privacy Policy’ page for on how we collect information about you, how we store and how we process the information.

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